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Working Bench

Friday, December 27, 2013

                               Above is the work beach.  Taken with my canon 7d featuring the tools I have been using as of recently.  These tools are some of the most useful tools for me lately.  Shaping another surfboard right now featured below.  Its not completed but its going to be a 5'6" quad with a weird diamond tail(i might change this to a normal diamond tail but as of now I like how it looks and am interested on its performance).  The camera picture is a 50mm Argus Rangefinder aka the Brick.  Its a cool little 35mm camera though it has no built in light meter so lately I have either carried around an extra camera, usually my 7D, or done my best at guessing a decent exposure.  The aperture range goes 3.5, 4, 5.6, 8,11, 16.  While the shutter speed range from 10-300.  

Road on the Coast

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Just another Road on the Coast to no where. "Quiet Refuge from the storms of Life"  Finals are almost over and it will be time to hit the road for a short amount of time before the holiday activities leading up to xmas with the fam.  Nikon FE with expired 35mm film.

Its Time to Leave

Friday, December 6, 2013

Need to get out and travel again. Newport has been flat need some more waves. Time to get on a place or in a car to go somewhere new.  Other news I am starting a new video project soon that I have been drawing out some ideas for more information soon.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Travelling through the pines of big sur a couple weekends ago.  Slow Shutter speed with some reflection off the back window.  Taken with 200 iso colour film on my Nikon FE.  I love that camera.  Its more rugged and durable then anything made these days and even with a canon 7D I enjoy the quality and feel of using the nikon.  The whole argument of which is better is lame in my opinion.  If your above using a camera at your disposal because of the brand then you will never be-able to create truly organic art. Shadowed single fin travelling below also shot at a slow shutter speed to blur everything but the shadow.

Sand Dollar

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Big Sur at Sand Dollar Beach.  This is a mile wide cove that is protected nearly from every direction. Its a beach break with really clean long lines unlike HB or NB it actually is good.  Long lines that push towards shore.  I surfed my single fin that I shaped the entire time while I was in Big Sur.  It worked really well for me in overhead sets here.  These shots are from the second day and shot with my 35mm Nikon FE and Ikelite waterhousing.  I had already surfed for a couple hours and really wanted to get some shots.  These are two of my favorite shots from the entire trip including the ones I shot out of the water.  This place is truly amazing would not mind living here for an extended amount of time at one point in my life.

Double Exposures

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Double exposure done with my 35mm Nikon FE.  I did a bunch of these types of shots for an art display I had they all came out great in my opinion.  No editing was done to any of these photos.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Newport Beach shot with a Nikon fe color film and a nike lite water housing 
This was immediately after getting back from up north.  Waves are small right now should be some swell filling in this weekend though.  The kairos art show is this weekend at the Crossing Church in Costa Mesa. November 16 starts at 8pm come by and check out my display.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Here is a photo I shot using my Nikon Fe with my Ikelite Warehousing.  I used a 50mm lens and had the aperture set to f11.  There was plenty of light so the shutter speed stayed high so no motion blur would occur.  I decided to use f11 over f16 because even though the depth of field would be greater the shutter speed had a chance of going too low and causing some motion blur.  The range of expectable focus with f11 was set to ~10-30 feet.  This made it perfect for shooting this day because the current was decently strong(and due to one of my friends having my good fins I only had one to swim around.) Pictured above is my manager from work and below is one of my friends(and subsequently my new manager haha) from work.  Both images will most likely be used at my art show on the 16 of November at the Crossing Church in Costa Mesa.  These along with a good amount of double exposures I did and am extremely happy with the results(though the person picture isn't completely stoked but thats how the cookie crumbles I guess).  Unfortunately I will not be posting any of them until after the show.

Shallow Depth of Field

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Both of the following pictures I use a wide open shutter speed to create two different feelings for the images that really brought the images together in the end.
Nature is amazing this is a shot I took while on my get away in Eugene Oregon.  One of my good friends lives there and attends the university and he took me to this awesome forest which is literally 6 minute bike from the campus.  These vines or plants looked so cool and the picture just came together with the pine cone. I chose to shoot a wide open aperture so I could have a shallow depth of field.  I believe this was shot at 1.4 or 2 on my 50mm lens.  As i had hoped it gave the image a mystical feel with the background washed out visions of the same leaves.  
 The below image is also from my Oregon trip.  It is an incense though to me it felt like an artists utensil to the work which surrounded it.  This is taken inside my friends house and I actually relocated the object as to get a backlit scenario.  This lighting was more of a side light but it looked really pleasing through the Venetian blinds.  Once again I shot in an open aperture this time to provide a quite and thoughtful environment.  I then shifted the black n white image to cobalt-gold colour scheme.  I hope you enjoy my photos leave a comment if you wish to ask questions or want to see certain types of images.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Took a bike ride through the Oregon wilderness.  35mm nikon Fe more photos from the trip to come.

Update/ Walks of Life

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just Got Back from a trip to Oregon shot black n White ISO 400 film with my Nikon Fe.  Once I get the film processed I will have a bunch to post; some double exposures and then some high contrast nature shots with the huge range of color due to the presence of seasons also got a couple airport shots that are more street photography-esque.
In the Meantime here is a shot taken with said Nikon Fe.  It took about five minutes to expose the shot due to the little amount of light that was availble.  The photo almost shows every part/type of living in Newport beach with fashion island and the houses of CDM in the distant background.

Central Coretex

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A unique approach at a self portrait.  Life // two sides to everything // one central connection // one body // one life // yet so much diversity between the halves that make up the whole.

35 Min

Friday, October 4, 2013

This is taken with my Nikon FE and a 28mm wide angle lens.  Nearly Everything in this picture is in focus due to using an aperture of f22.  The image took 35min to take with 100 speed 35mm film.  The only source of light was the lamps located onto of the pier.  On the horizon there is a white line which was created by a boat that was slowly moving towards the harbor.

Stained Glass

Friday, September 27, 2013

This is a photo I shot for a school project where the assignment was to shoot a religious leader.  This is my favourite shot from the day.  This shot came to be as almost a mistake I had to readjust some lights that were behind the stain glass and thats when I envisioned this shot

Tower Under the Moon

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Long Exposure of a Lifeguard tower in Newport Beach Ca.  The Exposure was approximately 17mins from what I can remember.  It was taken with a Canon 7D at about 10 o'clock at night. the white line right above the sand is the whitewash from waves illuminated so slightly by the moon.  The skyline looks all washed away because it was quite windy out so it is the motion of the clouds moving over the 17 minutes.  The colors are not manipulated at all it is the naturally color created under the moonlight conditions and possibly some tint from the boardwalk lights.

EZ Twin

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Photo of Trevor Oosterhof riding his hand shaped twin fin.  This is a part of the Ezekiel team archive I have started to compile from doing a couple shoots for them and the Shop Collective boys.  Always stoked to be able to help out.  Shot with a Canon 7D.

Skies the Limit

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Just Messing Around with my water housing in some small California shore break.  Took this using my Nikon FE and the 1970s water housing I have for it. Soon I hope to try it out in some bigger surf but pretty stoked on how this shot came out if only it was bigger.  Shot with 400 ASA Kentmere Black&White film.

Scientific Bottom Turn

Thursday, September 12, 2013

This is a Photo of Ezekiel Team rider Kip Scientist.  I took this photo with a Nikon FE using 35mm color film.  I used an Ikelite water housing that was made for this camera.  This was the first roll of film that I shot using the water housing and I was stoked on how the results came out.  Getting lined up for water shots at beach breaks is a little tricky due to the randomness of peaks that come in.  Thanks to my viper swim fins I was able to maneuver fairly easily with 8-10 pounds of camera and water housing(1970s steeze).

Small House

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Took this a while back with my Nikon FM.  It was my first roll of color film with that camera.  I'm not sure of the exposure and aperture but I used a handheld light meter to get the correct exposure measuring the highlights and shaw does then choosing an exposure to balance the two.  This is one of my favorite urban shots.  
Today is the anniversary of 9/11, bless all the families that lost a loved one. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Taken Somewhere in Central California.  I took this shot with a 35mm Nikon FE coming down the coast on a surfing/ camping trip with one of my other buddies.  We spent 5 nights in 5 different cities and traveled 1500 miles.  Each day we had no clue what we were doing / where we were going.  This picture represents the limitlessness of a road trip.

50 Shades of Purple

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Every once in a while a Sunset is something you just can not pass up.  Despite some popular belief that a picture of a sunset is a quick one too and that's just what you get this photo would be impossible for your iphone to take unless you have some alternative apps and a lot of time.  Normally the background of this would be over exposed or the foreground just a silhouette. And for you brainiacs out there this isn't 2 photos the tones and exposure would still be off of what i was trying to achieve.

Mr. Ferris

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This is from the Orange County Fairgrounds earlier this year.  Taken with my Canon 7D the exposure was about 10 seconds.  This is one of many long exposures I have taken lately as I have been experimenting with them.  I have been doing quite a bit of them with my 35mm camera which can be tricky due to the Reciprocity Law Failure.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My Names Luke Dawson and I am a Photographer, Student, Surfer and normal person. Welcome to the beginnings. The Photo above is a shot I took while shooting photos for the Ezekiel surf guys.
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