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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Here is a photo I shot using my Nikon Fe with my Ikelite Warehousing.  I used a 50mm lens and had the aperture set to f11.  There was plenty of light so the shutter speed stayed high so no motion blur would occur.  I decided to use f11 over f16 because even though the depth of field would be greater the shutter speed had a chance of going too low and causing some motion blur.  The range of expectable focus with f11 was set to ~10-30 feet.  This made it perfect for shooting this day because the current was decently strong(and due to one of my friends having my good fins I only had one to swim around.) Pictured above is my manager from work and below is one of my friends(and subsequently my new manager haha) from work.  Both images will most likely be used at my art show on the 16 of November at the Crossing Church in Costa Mesa.  These along with a good amount of double exposures I did and am extremely happy with the results(though the person picture isn't completely stoked but thats how the cookie crumbles I guess).  Unfortunately I will not be posting any of them until after the show.

Shallow Depth of Field

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Both of the following pictures I use a wide open shutter speed to create two different feelings for the images that really brought the images together in the end.
Nature is amazing this is a shot I took while on my get away in Eugene Oregon.  One of my good friends lives there and attends the university and he took me to this awesome forest which is literally 6 minute bike from the campus.  These vines or plants looked so cool and the picture just came together with the pine cone. I chose to shoot a wide open aperture so I could have a shallow depth of field.  I believe this was shot at 1.4 or 2 on my 50mm lens.  As i had hoped it gave the image a mystical feel with the background washed out visions of the same leaves.  
 The below image is also from my Oregon trip.  It is an incense though to me it felt like an artists utensil to the work which surrounded it.  This is taken inside my friends house and I actually relocated the object as to get a backlit scenario.  This lighting was more of a side light but it looked really pleasing through the Venetian blinds.  Once again I shot in an open aperture this time to provide a quite and thoughtful environment.  I then shifted the black n white image to cobalt-gold colour scheme.  I hope you enjoy my photos leave a comment if you wish to ask questions or want to see certain types of images.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Took a bike ride through the Oregon wilderness.  35mm nikon Fe more photos from the trip to come.

Update/ Walks of Life

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just Got Back from a trip to Oregon shot black n White ISO 400 film with my Nikon Fe.  Once I get the film processed I will have a bunch to post; some double exposures and then some high contrast nature shots with the huge range of color due to the presence of seasons also got a couple airport shots that are more street photography-esque.
In the Meantime here is a shot taken with said Nikon Fe.  It took about five minutes to expose the shot due to the little amount of light that was availble.  The photo almost shows every part/type of living in Newport beach with fashion island and the houses of CDM in the distant background.

Central Coretex

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A unique approach at a self portrait.  Life // two sides to everything // one central connection // one body // one life // yet so much diversity between the halves that make up the whole.

35 Min

Friday, October 4, 2013

This is taken with my Nikon FE and a 28mm wide angle lens.  Nearly Everything in this picture is in focus due to using an aperture of f22.  The image took 35min to take with 100 speed 35mm film.  The only source of light was the lamps located onto of the pier.  On the horizon there is a white line which was created by a boat that was slowly moving towards the harbor.
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