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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

 Just some more shots from the last weekend.

Northern California

Monday, January 27, 2014

This past weekend three of my friends and I took a trip up north.  We knew there would be waves we just did not know it would be this good.  I decided to shoot instead of surf due to the fact that I planned to originally and the board I had with me at the time would not have handled too well. Here is just a couple from that day more to come soon.  I shot with a Canon 7D with a 75-300mm lens which unfortunately is a terrible contrast lens at full focal length. Due to this fact I had to do more adjusting then usual in which I use Adobe Lightroom.  I am pleased with how they look just wish I had a nicer lens.
 Lefts were grinding all day.

 The Rights though were long clean walls.

 This one above is of my Friend Jake featured in the first shot.  He is setting up for a nice long right.

Even out of the water the bombs keep rolling in. The conditions were not perfect to start but cleaned up to nearly epic conditions.  It was about 8-12 feet faces with one random set that cleaned everyone up that was pushing 15.

Long Exposed Big Sur

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Big sur campgrounds made for some great long exposures. All of these are from my Canon 7d and are around 20-30 minutes. I will have two more from my Kodak Retina that are around 1-3 hours. Enjoy!

Andrew Molera

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just got back from an extremely successful trip to Big Sur.  About three weeks ago I pitched the idea to my friends seen below.  Originally they were on edge but I encouraged them we would score as there was an incoming swell that I had been looking at in the northern Pacific and a definitely swell that would be dying on the date we arrived. Everything ended up nearly perfect for us.  We arrived at Andrew Molera camp grounds at about 11am and by the time everything was set up at the hike on camp site we went straight the River-mouth with our stuff ready to surf.  The first day was pretty fun no one out at all and about 2-3 foot surf at a right point break. The best day was Saturday as shown below a picture of me one of my friends happened to snap while taking a breather on the beach.  It was about 3-5 feet with maybe 10 people out.  We did not end up even checking it on Sunday because we were making our way down the coast that day but the swell had definitely filled in and it was most likely bigger and less closed out. No complaints though a full day of surfing a right hand point break with an non-existent crowd for southern Californians.
 The Boys Trevor, Vince, and Jake standing in front of the river which helps keep the rock and gravel bottom point break.
 A picture Jake took of me while he was cruising on the beach.  In the end I was bummed I didn't shoot because this set-up is unreal.  But we already decided another trip is definitely necessary.

Kodak Retina

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Taken With a Kodak Retina iic this is of the Huntington Beach pier a week or so ago.  I surfed for an hour or so before this and it was kinda fun waist high maybe a little bigger. I surfed a 5'10 single fin a board I have been riding alot lately because the waves haven't been that great or sizeable.  The board handles good size surf when it needs to though.  Below are a couple lifestyle/design shots that I took with the same camera.  An outline for a twin fin that I want to make soon once the time and money provides for it.  I have a bunch of old architecture tools, that I use while drawing out designs and random ideas, because I took a couple intro architecture classes in community college.  Although I found out that it was not for me it actually was useful to the way I think about ideas and photographs.  The design elements of the arts can often be visualized ahead of time similar to the initial blueprints of a house.  The third image is just a shot of the table I make use of while shaping boards with the Captain Fin Co. hat that has been a staple item of my travels and creations.

Tristan Cronshaw

Friday, January 3, 2014

This is a little throwback to a couple months ago.  Over summer we had a decent run of swell but the winds were always bad near Newport in the arvo  so we took a bunch of quick trips to Salt Creek and other southern spots along with some northern spots.  This is my buddy Tristan Cronshaw who rides for HippyTree, one of the sickest companies that's fairly new to the scene. This shot is from a short but sweet video we made, well I made he surfed haha. The video can be viewed HERE and helped him get a VZ sponsor.  A new video is in the works titled "Your Life is On Repeat" more about that soon some initial filming has been done.  The video is more of a lifestyle video supported with a few clips. Below is a long exposure of Salt Creek. Followed by Tristan himself.

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