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Northern California

Monday, January 27, 2014

This past weekend three of my friends and I took a trip up north.  We knew there would be waves we just did not know it would be this good.  I decided to shoot instead of surf due to the fact that I planned to originally and the board I had with me at the time would not have handled too well. Here is just a couple from that day more to come soon.  I shot with a Canon 7D with a 75-300mm lens which unfortunately is a terrible contrast lens at full focal length. Due to this fact I had to do more adjusting then usual in which I use Adobe Lightroom.  I am pleased with how they look just wish I had a nicer lens.
 Lefts were grinding all day.

 The Rights though were long clean walls.

 This one above is of my Friend Jake featured in the first shot.  He is setting up for a nice long right.

Even out of the water the bombs keep rolling in. The conditions were not perfect to start but cleaned up to nearly epic conditions.  It was about 8-12 feet faces with one random set that cleaned everyone up that was pushing 15.

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